Juanma es Full Stack Developer (Javascript) especializado en front-end con más de 15 años de experiencia. Ha pasado por empresas como Softonic y Schibsted y trabajado en multitud de proyectos en los que ha lidiando tanto con el frontend, como con el backend. Ha asumido diversos roles a lo largo de su carrera (developer/lead/mentor/consultor) y trabajado con diferentes frameworks como Angular, Vue y React. También ha sido profesor de Javascript en diferentes cursos y bootcamps (como Code Institute o Skylab Coders).
A día de hoy, JuanMa es Lead Developer Relations en Frontity, un proyecto open source para crear webs con WordPress (como headless CMS) y React.

Frontity is a free and open-source framework to develop WordPress themes based on React JS. It can also be explained as an alternative rendering engine for WordPress.
In other words, it allows to build a React frontend for a headless WordPress site, which serves its data via the WordPress REST API.
This approach has plenty of advantages, but in order to build a WordPress theme with React there are a lot of things that developers need to learn and configure: bundling, transpiling, routing, server rendering, retrieving data from WordPress, managing state, or managing css, among many others.
Next.js and GatbsyJS are two great React frameworks that can work with WordPress but none of them is exclusively focused on this CMS. Therefore, there’s still some complex configuration and additional tooling left to the developer. Frontity is focused on WordPress: each part of the framework has been simplified and optimized to be used with WordPress.
With Frontity you can easily create high performance & seo-friendly sites using reactjs + headlessWP
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Twitter: Juan Manuel Garrido
Sitio web: https://juanmaguitar.tumblr.com/